My head is spinning.
Let's have a brief recap, shall we?
- House passes H.R. 3962: 'To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes. ' For a recap of this monstrocity, and (if you have an ivy league education) a link to the actual text, click here.
- Senate is preparing to pass their own version of the same nonsense, H.R. 3590: 'Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act' (a devious and misleading name for a bill if I've ever heard one). You can read all 2,074 pages here.
- Fourteen of our brave soldiers were murdered in cold blood, and thirty one others were injured on the largest military base in the United States by a radical Islamic jihadist (for those of you wondering, the fourteenth victim was the unborn child of a female soldier killed that day). No, the terrorist did not bypass security in the conventional sense of the word, he was a Major and a psychiatrist. Yep, Major Nadal Malik Hasan was in charge of treating our soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder upon their return from active combat duty in Afghanistan and Iraq.
- Our Attorney General, Eric Holder has displayed his brilliance in announcing a criminal trial in New York, of all places, for Khaleid Sheik Mohamad and for other co-conspiritors in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon (of course a fourth plane was brought down by brave Americans in an empty field in Pennsylvania). KSM has already pleaded guilty and requested to be put to death.
- President Obama has cancelled the promised missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic: He has jaunted off to Copenhagen on a failed bid for the 2016 Olympics to be held in Chicago, Illinois (on our dime, by the way): He refused to attend the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: And he has recently traveled to Asia, another apology tour in which he broke protocall again, bowing to Japanese Emperor Akihito.
- Unemployment escalates to 10.2 percent (actual figure hovers around 17 percent), in spite of the Generational Theft Act ™ ($787 billion "Stimulus Package"), that was supposed to keep unemployment below 8 percent.
- While lecturing the United States about fiscal restraint and the dangers of escalating budget deficits, the Obama Administration has set a new record: The budget deficit has topped 2 trillion dollars for the fiscal year of 2009. Let me write that out: $2,000,000,000,000.00. I repeat, that's the deficit for this year alone. I don't even own a calculator that can handle that many zeros.
There is no way to address the above-mentioned issues in one post. Please check back throughout the upcoming days for detailed analysis on these topics and more.
This is getting ridiculous. Our national security, financial stability, health care choices and individual freedom are teetering on the brink.
I feel like Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole.
Or maybe Neo, having just ingested the red pill.
Whatever it is, I want off this ride. This is a bad trip if I've ever had one, and I want off.