Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm No Harvard Graduate But.....

The new administration must think we are total IDIOTS! As I sit here watching complete MALARKEY coming out of the presidents mouth, the stock market continues to tank. "Thanks to the recovery and reinvestment act, we were able so save your jobs" (speaking to an Ohio group of graduating cadets). Are you kidding me? "Create or save 3 1/2 million jobs". Sounds like "heads I win, tails you loose". I fell for that one once (I think I was 6).

This is the biggest bait and switch scheme I have ever seen. Are we to really believe that you are going to cut the deficit in half while quadrupling spending? Preposterous! "If we don't act boldly and swiftly, the current economic crisis could turn into a catastrophe." Really? "Government is the only entity strong enough to pull us out of this economic disaster" (inherited from George Bush, of course). Well, that is just an outright lie! I challenge you to come up with just one instance where the government actually ran something successfully.

It's hard to know whether to laugh or cry.

Where is all this money going to come from? Let me see if I can wrap my pea brain around this (I'm really not that good at math, but here goes):

$850,000,000,000 for TARP (we keep hearing $700 billion, but it really is $850 billion)
$787,000,000,000 for Community Reinvestment Act
$410,000,000,000 for (last year's unfinished business) FY 2009 budget (including 8,500 earmarks)
$685,000,000,000 for a new "Health Care Fund"
$275,000,000,000 for mortgage assistance

I had to drop all of the zeros for addition purposes, my calculator shows "error", but this comes to a whopping grand total of (drum roll, please): $3,000,700,000,000 (for you Obama voters, that's 3.007 trillion with a T)! This doesn't take into account interest incurred. Not bad for only having been in office for less than 2 months!

If you confiscated every dollar from the top 1% of income earners for the next 4 years (EVERY DOLLAR), it would still not cover the budget for FY 2009, let alone the other expenses listed above. This is the biggest power grab and expansion of government in the history of this country. The New Deal and Great Society programs added together wouldn't even hold a candle to 1 of the spending items listed above.

Don't even get me started on our new Treasury Secretary. Someone must have slipped something into my drink, but I thought I saw him talking about closing some tax loopholes and extreme enforcement measure for income tax evaders.


I know I am not the only one, but I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! I sent a really nice love letter to the White House the other day (I think it was Wednesday, when they host their weekly cocktail party on our dime). You would be amazed at how much better you feel after something like that. It is very short-lived, however.

"The stock market is no more than a tracking poll." Oh really? I thought it was 75% of all Americans' retirement. I thought it was price to income ratio for corporations (no, that can't be - Obama says it is profit to income ratio). No worries, folks, The One has spoken: "Now is probably a good time to invest".


If there is one thing this administration knows about, it is investment (as long as it's our money).

Surely I must have fallen down a rabbit hole. Someone call Morpheous, I want to unplug. Who is John Galt, anyway?

I often wonder what would happen if all of the producers of the world got fed up and just disappeared.

We may be on the brink of finding out.

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